Latest Activities

Vegetable & Fruit Nutrient Scanner —— Citizen Scientists Recruitment

The Mushroom Initiative Ltd. is inviting more people to pay attention to the nutrient content in natural and non-processed food and we aim at providing some certain objective indicators to understand our food. To do so, we are now developing a portable plant nutrient meter ── “VF Nutrient Scanner”, which is a device for measuring […]


Here comes our new project ‘VF Nutrient Scanner’!

These two apples look equally great, but have you ever wonder if they are equally nutritious? Nutrient density of the same species of vegetables and fruits are not always the same! How can we know or compare the quality of vegetables and fruits then? Over the past year, we have gone through a series of […]

Latest Activities

Fungi Awareness Workshop (Group)

Please refer to the Chinese version, or contact us directly to arrange the group workshop for non-Chinese communities. Phone: +852 3142 0102(Office Hour: Mon-Fri, 9am-5pm) Email: Please specify ‘Group Workshop Enquiry’ in the email title.


Video: Regenerative Agriculture and Climate Crisis

農地的泥土碳封存 毫不起眼的泥土,居然儲存了比大氣層多三倍的碳!而在全球的土地之中,約四成都屬於農地,所以,地球上其實有很多很多泥土,恆常有人管理使用,以提供我們日常所需的食物和其他東西。你有想過,如這些土地使用者全部都好好照顧泥土,讓土地重拾碳封存能力的話,可以為環境帶來多巨大的變化嗎? 2015年的巴黎氣候峰會中,法國政府提出千分之四倡議,將泥土視為一個緩解氣候變化的關鍵,到底泥土為甚麼有這個潛能呢?這短片或會令你對泥土和農田另眼相看! Agricultural soil carbon sequestration Soil may receive little attention but it does have huge capacity for carbon storage, holding 3 times more carbon than the atmosphere! Of all the land on earth, roughly 40% belongs to agricultural land. The soil that is constantly managed and used to provide food and other resources […]

Latest Activities

Secret of Soil: Microscopic Workshop (Recruitment on hold)

Please refer to the Chinese version, or contact us directly to arrange the group workshop for non-Chinese communities. Phone: +852 3142 0102(Office Hour: Mon-Fri, 9am-5pm) Email: hilda(@) Please specify ‘Microscopic Workshop’ in the email title.

Latest Activities

Living Compost! Workshop (Recruitment on hold)

Please refer to the Chinese version, or contact us directly to arrange the group workshop for non-Chinese communities. Phone: +852 3142 0102(Office Hour: Mon-Fri, 9am-5pm) Email: hilda(@) Please specify ‘Living Compost Workshop’ in the email title.

Latest Activities

Previous Engagement

過往活動 以下為菇菌圓於2019年或以前主辦或參與的公開活動, 其他團體參觀次數眾多未能盡錄。 日期 地點 主辦/協辦機構 活動 2019年9月22日 菇菌圓 長春社 「禾.花.雀.塱原生態農社」會員參觀 2019年9月8日 菇菌圓 長春社 「禾.花.雀.塱原生態農社」會員參觀 2019年5月5日 中環遮打花園 HKORC 全城有機日2019 2019年4月23至27日 內蒙古巴彥淖爾市 綠色生命 NPO-GreenLife 植樹治沙及生態農業考察 2019年4月19日 菇菌圓 菇菌圓 泥土及植物健康工作坊—硝酸鹽量度 2019年4月10日 菇菌圓 菇菌圓 泥土及植物健康工作坊—硝酸鹽量度 2019年3月2日 菇菌圓 菇菌圓 小學師生參觀 2018年12月 美國 The Bionutirent Food Association & The Acres U.S.A. The 8th Soil and Nutrition Conference 2018 Acres U.S.A. […]